Granddaddy Purple, also known as "Grand Daddy Purp," "Granddaddy Purps," "GDP," and "Grandaddy Purple Kush," is a renowned indica marijuana strain. Introduced in 2003 by Ken Estes, GDP is a celebrated cross of Mendo Purps, Skunk, and Afghanistan, though some believe it to be a blend of Big Bud and Purple Urkle.
Regardless of its exact lineage, this California favorite is known for its rich grape and berry aroma, a gift from its Purps and Ghani heritage. The strain’s flowers showcase deep purple hues, beautifully contrasted by a frosty layer of white crystal resin. GDP’s powerful effects are felt in both mind and body, combining cerebral euphoria with physical relaxation. While your thoughts may drift into a dreamy state, your body is likely to remain anchored in one spot throughout the experience.
Grandaddy purple terpenes
Top 5 Terpenes :
- Linalool
- Beta caryophyllene
- Ocimene
- Terpinolene
- Humulene
Aroma & Taste:
- Grape
- Berry
- Violet