You've probably observed that pre-filled cartridges frequently have some headroom above the oil level and aren't completely filled. How did the headspace get to that there? Does this imply that you weren't fully satisfied with your purchase?
What's happening with my oil?
Some of the extracted oil has been absorbed into the ceramic heating components. In order for the ceramic atomizer to be completely saturated, we normally encourage oil manufacturers to let the carts sit for a while after filling them. This way, when the carts arrive in your hands, you can start vaping right away without having to wait for the oil to soak in.
Due to the ceramic heating components' exceptionally high permeability, which can absorb up to 100-150 mg of the extracted oil, it may appear as though some of it is "missing." Additionally, cartridges are pressed into the reservoir using an automated pressing machine, which may cause the oil level to significantly decrease due to the extra pressure.
It's in the design!
Experts have already taken into account all the possible scenarios and increased the reservoir for headspace at the design stage. For instance, if you buy a 1-gram cart, its actual full capacity is closer to 1.25 grams. This design was designed to allow the oil to flow naturally and reduce the possibility of leaking during transit or when the oil is being used.
Our goal is to bring the best vaping experience to you and make sure that every cent you spend on Terp Topia products counts. For more questions, feel free to reach out to us via social media or email!